The Chair Abertis in Brazil delivers its 1st Abertis Prize

The Chair Abertis in Brazil has delivered for the first time the Prize Chair Abertis-USP of Management of Infrastructures of Transport, which recognizes the best works of thesis, tesina and of end of career carried out by university students or of the doctorate in the brazilian universities. The act has been realized in the Universidad de São Paulo.

This year’s edition has rewarded works of thesis and master memories. In the category of Thesis, has been recognized Luiz Augusto Manfré (Escola Politécnica of USP), for the work Identification and mapping of areas of slides associated with roads using images with remote sensors; and a mention of honor to Jose Elievam Bessa Júnior (Escola de Engenharia São Carlos of USP), for the thesis Measures of performance to evaluate the quality of the service in the roads of Brazil.

In the category of Master, the prize has relapsed into Reuber Arrais Freire (Universidade Federal do Ceará), for the study Evaluation of the coarse aggregate influence in the fatigue damage using die assume counterfoils with different maximum nominal sizes; and a mention of honor to Michael Andrés Castillo Rangel (Universidade de São Paulo) for Analysis of perception of the driver of the traffic signals, using simulated environments of direction: Case of study of the Highway BR-116.

The Chairs Abertis in the world

In the different editions in Spain, France, Chile, Puerto Rico and Brazil, the Chair Abertis is dedicated to develop activities of research in the area of the management of infrastructures of transport, through the promotion of the transfer of knowledge between university and company.


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