About us

Elena Salgado


As a non-profit entity, over the last twenty-five years the Abertis Foundation has devoted its efforts to road safety, environmental, social and cultural outreach-related issues. By leveraging on the experience provided by Abertis, we are well-placed to contribute valuable know-how on these issues and so enable society to move towards more efficient and sustainable mobility by rolling out different projects.

From day one, we have forged strong ties with and worked alongside some of the foremost national and international organizations. UNICEF, UNESCO and the Red Cross, to name just some of our partners, have joined forces with us to engage in social outreach projects with the most disadvantaged groups, allowing thousands of people around the world to lead better lives. On the culture front, our close partnership with government agencies and cultural institutions has enabled us to organize exhibitions of works by some of Spain’s most important artists of all time, such as Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Diego Velázquez and Antoni Gaudí, in countries as far apart as France, Italy, Argentina, India, Puerto Rico, Brazil and Chile, where Abertis operates.

I would also like to highlight our Abertis Chairs International Network, a benchmark both within and beyond our borders in the mobility field. The Network’s awards encourage research into initiatives to foster more sustainable, efficient and safe mobility. Undoubtedly, one of the most significant challenges of today's society.

We aim to maintain this firm commitment, which drives us forward as an organization and, at the same time, furthers our engagement with society. This is the spirit in which we were born and which will remain active in the future.

Georgina Flamme


Since its birth in 1999, the Foundation has always given priority to actions related to road safety, the environment and social action, in line with Abertis' Strategic Social Responsibility Plan.

The Abertis Foundation carries out activities aimed at improving road safety, with the objective of reducing the accident rate. These activities are geared towards road safety education for children, raising awareness in young people and preventing accidents in elderly drivers.

It also promotes social activities for the most vulnerable groups, incorporating said activities into their road safety activities encouraging sustainability and environmental care. This is because its headquarters, Castellet Castle, is the International UNESCO Centre for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves since 2014.

Furthermore, it supplements the Abertis Group activities in the countries where it operates: Spain, France, Puerto Rico, Chile, Italy, Argentina and Brazil, and contributes to the development of the International Network of Abertis Chairs.

Take a look at our website, where you can learn more about our activities.

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