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La iniciativa es un llamamiento a entidades y startups de todo el mundo con el objetivo de identificar soluciones innovadoras a los retos de la movilidad actual basadas en la utilización de drones para mejorar la operativa vial y el mantenimiento de infraestructuras.

Navarre’s capital will be the first stop in a string of debates throughout Spain designed to highlight today’s urban and interurban mobility challenges.

The partnership mobilises and gets adolescents and young people from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro involved in discussing safe and sustainable mobility, and counts on their participation and vision in the process of devising public policies to generate change at scale

The Abertis Foundation is working with San Cugat council to run its “El Apagón” (The Blackout) campaign. This action involves screening the story of a driver who caused a fatal accident by driving while drunk.

This morning in Madrid, the Abertis Foundation presented the 'Lives in Motion' campaign, which, through a series of travelling debates throughout Spain, will examine the current challenges of urban mobility, focusing mainly on safety, sustainability and inclusion.

Abertis Foundation Channel
Flickr Channel Of Abertis Foundation
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